I was tagged by my lovely sister-in-law Rachel. I am supposed to name 6 things about myself that are "quirky". I'll have to keep in mind I am limited to six. Here it goes:
1. I do this weird thing with my fingers when I am thinking or talking to people (so pretty much all the time). I type out the words in my head as if my fingers were on a keyboard. I don't do it 100% of the time but more often than not I catch myself twitching away. Jesse's never said anything but I'll bet it drives him crazy when we are holding hands...I also do it with piano music while I sing the hymns.
2. I do NOT like mashed potatoes. Every time I tell someone this I am looked at like a two-headed troll. It's just one of those dishes that everybody loves...except me. Poor Jess loves them but I have made them a whole two times in our marriage because I am selfish and don't want to take the time to make something I don't want to eat. Thanksgiving is definitely my least favorite meal. I would probably be happier with grilled cheese. (But I will take the apple pie!)
3. I DO like Prego spaghetti sauce! I can and do eat it by the spoonful. My pizza is always dripping in sauce, my lasagna and spaghetti are runny because I use way too much. I love to just dip bread in it and munch away, even if the sauce is cold. But it has to be Prego. I've even converted Jesse.
4. I am addicted to running. This is a recent trend. I used to HATE to run. I started to doing it because walking just wasn't doing it for me anymore and now I am hooked. There's something about getting into that rhythm after about a mile where your lungs and legs don't burn anymore and you feel like you could run forever. Very relaxing and quite addicting. You should try it!
5. So enough about me, Jesse's weird too. He has this thing with the type of body soap he uses to shower. I laughed so hard when I figured it out when we were first married. I have to buy Dove bar soap with 1/4 moisturizer in it. If I don't then Jesse's skin "squeaks" when he is showering. We had to get a water softener to help with his addiction as well. When we go out of town and on vacation I have to bring a bar of soap for him to use so he doesn't get "squeaky clean" and throw off his whole day!
6. Jess is very protective of eyes. This one is slightly warranted by the fact that he does have a scar on his cornea from a mission-wrestling match gone wrong. He is extremely paranoid about the kids getting soap in their eyes in the bath tub and if anything comes near his or their eyes with the potential of touching them he is traumatized for about an hour. Let me illustrate: we had been married for about one week and I was washing dishes when Jess thought it would be funny to come up behind me and scare me (I know none of you are surprised). I happened to be washing a steak knife and when he scared me my hands flew up and the knife almost poked him in the eye. Jess proceded to go into the bedroom where he sat on the bed for 1/2 hour just staring at the floor pondering what had just happened. When I noticed he didn't come out I went in to see what was wrong and he wouldn't even speak to me and was borderline mad at me because it was such a close call. Even when I bring it up to this day he goes all quiet and has to take a time out. He keeps his eyes closed tight 98% of the time in his morning shower only opening them a peep so locate the soap which is very carefully not brought within a five inch radius of his most protected treasures. Now THAT is quirky!
There! I've spilled our beans. And now it is time for Heidi Wakley, Wendi Oyler and Syd Nelson to spill theirs! You're tagged!
Awesome guys! Thanks for happily playing along. It was fun!
Ha! Ha! Fun stuff! I wish I had a quirk that got me in shape! I'm excited to be in your ward and see the air piano! Awesome piano by the way, I didn't even know you played.
Okay this will sound a little freaky but you have to be my long lost twin ( although you are 1000 X's more beautiful). I have since 10th grade very subtly typed other peoples conversation phrases in my head and with my fingers. I had no idea another person on earth also had this crazy habit. And i cannot stop.
I love Prego - but also like potatoes, and I am addicted to running despite the orthopedic specialist telling me never to run again. However I have never won a medal at a marathon like someone else!!
You guys are all so cute. I will be sure and not wave any steak knifes around when Jesse is near -crazy guy - Our little dog has also cost us some $$. When we lived in the trailor court in Pocatello we had to move or get rid of the dog and well moving a trailor is not cheap but we got it done! Love you all - M & M
I am so dumb. I probably shouldn't even admit it. I just got your blog title "pokyWakley's" I just thought it meant you were slow. I guess I'm the slow one. Wow. What a moment I'm having!
Jen & Jessie, You guys are quirky but I didn't have to read your blog to figure that out. Just kidding. That was fun to read
Ha, ha... You crack me up! It's so funny to look at Wakley from a whole other perspective. I cried reading this post and from now on I'll probably be one of your most devoted followers (readers).
Wakley, once I almost lost my eye cleaning the back window on our car. Na glupi brisač sam se nabola desnim okom, budala. I had a black šljiva around my eye for two weeks, it was all sore and my vision blurry, so after that I act all weird around knives or anything else I perceive as potential threat to my eyes. Not to mention I've never cleaned that darn window na autu again. :)
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