Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ellie's haircut

Well, the inevitable happened. Every family has their story of their children cutting their hair. We all know Jesse has a strong preference for long hair. I quickly realized that when it comes to Ellie, I do too. I was sitting in the office at the computer when Ellie came in to ask me a question. I looked over at her and immediately yelled, "What did you do!?!" Ellie had chunky layers on both sides of her face going all the way up to her ears. Jesse came running in and when he found out what was wrong he pounded his fists on the ground and yelled, "NO!!" To no surprise all of this yelling made Ellie start to cry. Jesse immediately scooped her up to make her feel better. We definitely over reacted. To add to the problem it was 5 o'clock at night on Labor Day and we were leaving for San Diego at 7 am the next morning. Luckily, Malad is on the way to Salt Lake so we ran down to Tera's house and she fixed Ellie's hair. (Thanks Tera!) We had to cut off 8 inches total. Ellie was hardest on herself. She told Jess, "I hate my face!" After it was cut I asked her that night if she liked her hair cut and she said, "No, I just want my hair long." Hopefully she'll remember that next time she decides to play with her school scissors with Kaden!
This was the pile of hair I found in the garbage can. We came to find out that it was Ellie's idea but Kaden did a few snips too!

This side was the worst. You can't really see it but she took a chunk out just above her ear lobe.

She did pretty good on this side! It actually looked like it was supposed to be that way. For an after shot, see following posts...

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