Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Finally I have an excuse to post again! Nothing exciting happened in a month so Halloween is my only excuse to post!
Kaden going to his preschool Halloween party. There were three Raphael's there!

We had a princess and a GI Joe this year. Ellie actually picked out a giraffe costume at the store so she could be Melman from Madagascar but she ditched that idea and insisted she was a princess. She picked out these horrible pink high heel shoes from the store that were way too big for her. I'm surprised she didn't break her ankle walking around in them!

Here's the pumpkins we carved. Jesse made a big confession this year... he always has and always will hate carving pumpkins. He put on a good face for the kids though.

We went up to visit some friends house across town and the kids got a pretty good load at their house. We came back home to go trick-or-treating around our neighborhood and Kaden was like..." I don't want to go trick-or-treating, I'm just gonna stay home." So he stayed at home the rest of the night handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. I don't blame the kid actually, he doesn't even eat candy.

Ellie on the other hand would sell her right arm for a bucket full of candy so Jess took her out all over the neighborhood. She loved it.

They came back and twenty minutes later Ellie wanted to go again! So mom took her out for round number two. She lasted quite a while then got too cold. But she was very nice and said, "Thanks you!" at every door.


Tami said...

Finally! Cute post.

Wendi Oyler said...

Finally a post! Looks like a fun Halloween. Where was your costume? I'm doing great now, just big. How are you feeling?