Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Angel Ellie

I felt like a lot of my posts lately have been about Kaden... I do have TWO children really. And I was thinking and realized that I have never posted about Ellie's One. One is such a huge part of our lives it definitely deserves a post. Ellie has four blankets and all of them have names. They are One, Two, Three and Four. They are named in number of importance. All of them must be laid on her in order when she sleeps each night. Ellie will correct you if you call one of her blankets by the wrong name too. But only One is super important in her eyes. She would take One everywhere if I would let her. When she is crying only One can really calm her. One can stop almost any fit and will keep her quiet in the car for hours. When she cuddles One she sucks her index finger (a habit I am trying to break, no non-nutritive sucking after age two right Wendi and Jami?) and fidgets with the blanket with her other index finger as illustrated below. We couldn't find One when she went to bed last night and it took her forever to fall asleep. At least it's not a binky I guess!

Another thing that makes me laugh about Ellie is that she loves to accessorize. She is such a girl. She has to have bows in her hair, her fingernails painted and her necklace and watch on. She's in that stage where she says funny things that make no sense. Like the other day she said that she didn't like our realtor because he smells like a dinosaur. I'm sure it makes sense in her mind. We still laugh at that one. Love you Ellie baby!


Heidi said...

We do love Ellie - and One. I was so nervous that I would forget One when I watched her last time and have to drive it up to Logan! Macie actually went to bed without hers last night- first time ever!

Tami said...

Dinosaur? Does his cologne stink? She is funny!!